Wednesday, January 30, 2013

All Mucked Up

My schedule is wacked this week because of stupid work so I'm doing T/W and then F/SA.

Row 5 minutes
Dead lift 5 @ 245/5 @ 220
(really liking the Power To The People or PTTP in future references)
4 rounds
Row 200 with 2 minute RI
in rest period do
Kb snatch 7 @ 35
Pushups 10

Ended up with about :45 seconds rest each round
The row splits were :47.5/:45.7/:46.8/:43.5
Avg Pace 1:54.6/Avg SR 27

Row 5 minutes
Press 5 @ 95/5 @ 85
3 Rounds of
Row 250
KB swings 15 @ 44
Pull ups 3
Ab wheel 7
:60 seconds rest between rounds

Felt good on all of this but forgot to get my row splits. The average pace was around 1:50 to 1:55.

Friday, January 25, 2013

On And On.

Still feeling a little sick so the workout was short today. I cut out the row at the end and took a little extra rest on the circuit.

Row 5 minutes
Squat   5 @ 120/5 @ 107.5
Circuit: 4 rounds
Turkish get up 1 (alt. L/R)
Push ups  10
Floor wipers 10 @ 115

and out.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Abbreviate This

Very short today. I had to go to 24 hr fitness today because the other gym doesn't have a bench yet and I am still feeling a little sick. So here it is...

Row 5 minutes
Bench press  5 @ 145/5 @ 130
Circuit:  4 rounds/:60 RI between rounds
KB snatch 7 @ 35 (alt. R/L)
Pull ups 2
Back ext 7

And that was it. Left the long row for another day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

OOOOH He's Here Again

Back again. Starting a new diet program to get rid of the old man fat that is showing up. I found a local market that makes really tasty lunches and dinners 6 days a week and they only cost $6.00 each. Having to make stuff myself is usually a deal breaker so this will go a long way toward keeping on a path.

Row 5 minutes
Dead lift 5 @ 235/5 @ 210
4 rounds/:60 rest between rounds
KB Snatch 7 @ 35
Pull ups 2
Hanging leg raises 9
Row 2K time 8:24.4/avg pace 2:05.3/SR 21
:43 ahead of last week the pace was :11 better and the stroke rate was the same

Row 5 minutes
Press 5 @ 92.5/5 @ 85
3 rounds with :60 RI
KB swings 15 @ 44
Push ups 10
Ab wheel 6
Row 10 x 200/1:30 RI
Avg pace 1:40.9/SR 27
This was an 11 second improvement on the pace and the SR was down from 28 to 27.

I am either getting exponentially stronger on the row or (the more likely option) I seriously sandbagged last week.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Slouching Toward Refinement

It has taken a while for me to integrate KB work, body weight stuff, weights and rowing but I think I am getting close to a workable solution. I tried an aspect of self limiting exercise techniques today on the rower and I liked the results. I made it a point to take deep relaxed breaths through my nose as I rowed, then I would push the intensity up until I felt that I would have to start gulping air through my mouth and at that point I pulled back, recovered and then pushed it up again.I stayed relaxed and comfortable through the workout and felt good coming off the rower. I shall continue to use this and report back on the results. This breathing technique is described in the book Body, Mind and Sport by John Douillard.

Row 5 minutes
Press 5 @ 90/5 @ 80
(I think I started a little high on this one)

3 rounds of:
Swings 1 x 15 @ 45
Ab wheel rollouts 1 x 5
Inverted Row 1 x 5
:60 seconds rest between rounds

Row 2,000 meters
Time 12:08.9/Avg pace 3:02/Avg SR 20
The goal over time is to gradually lower the pace and overall time and to maintain the same relaxed feeling and heart rate.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Two Days In

Okay so here's the plan. M/T one lift each day + a long row on M and sprints on T + short KB workout.
TH/F one lift each day + long row on TH on sprints on F + short KB workout. SA long row.
That ought to keep me busy. I am basing the lifts on Pavel's Power to the People protocol which is: start with a weight that you could do for 10 and do a set of 5 then take 90% of that and do a second set of five add 2.5 to 10 pounds each workout and do it for a total of 8 workouts per exercise take a week off and start another cycle. Ought to be fun.

Row 5 minutes
Dead lift 5 @ 225/5 @ 205

3 rounds with :45 seconds rest between exercises and :60 seconds rest between rounds
Explosive push up 1 x 5
KB military press 1 x 5 @ 26
Dbl KB swing outside of legs 1 x 12 @ 35
Pull ups (green band) 1 x 7
Hanging leg raise 1 x 8

Row 2,000 meters
15 hard/10 easy
9:07.1/ avg pace 2:16.7/avg SR 21

Elliptical 5 minutes
Bench 5 @ 140/5 @ 125
3 rounds with :60 seconds rest after each round
Swings 15 @ 35
Farmer walk (one arm) 40 yds @ 60

Row 10 x 200 with 1:30 RI
avg pace 1:51.3/avg SR 28

I tried to do the last one sub 40 but the stupid rower at 24 hour fitness broke on me. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I Do Love Kettle Bells

...they are so much fun.

Row 5 minutes

4 rounds
Row 250 meters
5 each arm lockout press @ 26lbs
1 Turkish Get Up (alt L/R) 12 lbs
10 Swings 44 lbs

I set the rower up for intervals distance with 3:30 RI
during the rest I did the KB work
ended up averaging about 1:15 rest per round

Row Avg pace 1:55.9/SR 24
total 1,000 meters

I liked this model with the rows and KB work and think I will stick with it for a while. (yeah right. where have you heard that before)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Stress Test Etc.

Last Saturday I decided to do 100 Kettle Bell snatches for time. The goal was to get them done in less than 5 minutes. I got finished in 3 minutes and 25 seconds. I went really light (12 pounds) just to see what it was like to get 100 of them in.

Row 5 minutes
KB Snatch
10 ea @ 12
8 ea @ 26
6 ea @ 35
4 ea @ 44
2 ea @ 53

Row 5 minutes
3 Rounds of:
200 meter row
6 KB snatch @ 35
6 Goblet squats @ 35
10 Hindu push ups
;45 seconds rest between exercises
:60 seconds rest between rounds

This workout felt great. Worked but not wiped. Its the way I like to leave the gym.

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Monday After

I decided to go on a hilly hike yesterday morning at about 6;45 AM and instead of doing something easier I went for 6.2 miles and that hurt. There were however no residuals today other than slightly tight calves.
There is a series of workouts by Mike Mahler being posted on the Breaking Muscle site that I am going to work on for the next month or so. You can follow along as well if you would like.

Elliptical 5 minutes
This was supposed to be three rounds but I just did one.
There is :45 seconds of rest between exercises and 1 minute of rest between the series.
Explosive push ups 1 x 5
Alternating renegade rows 1 x 8 each side
Double lockout OH press 1 x 6 each side
Low position lunges
Pull ups 1 x 7 (I did negatives)
Hindu squat 1 x 25
Hanging leg raise 1 x 8 with 2 second negative

I ended with a 500 meter row.
Most of these exercises are explained on Mike Mahler's site or you can just type his name into The Google and his videos will come up. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Houston We Have Lift Off

My exercise ADD is going into orbit. I knew about the Breaking Muscle site before but never spent a lot of time there. That changed this morning when I got so wrapped up that I didn't check any of the other sites I usually go to. This site has so many things to read and try that I could conceivably spent a few years and never do the same thing twice (kind of like Crossfit) Do they have Exercise ADD?

Elliptical 5 minutes
DROM including the following
Wind mill 1 x 5 each side no weight
Good morning 1 x 5 @ 25 (weight held behind back near butt)
Halo 1 x 5 ea @ 25
Explosive type push ups 1 x 5 ( I did this first set on a knee high bench)

Pull Up Practice (yes you need to practice)
Straight arm hang 3 x :15
Bent arm hang 3 x :10
Scapular pull ups 3 x 5
Bat wings 3 x :05 hold @ 35
(I did these on a flat bench)

Explosive push up (level 1 see above) 5 x 3
One arm farmer walk Right arm out/Left arm back 20yds x 5

Fun, fun, fun and I am not feeling too sick anymore.