Friday, September 27, 2013

A Banner Day on The Interwebz and The Busy Executive

Not one but two articles to peruse today. Dan John on the 10,000 KB swing program and Jim Wendler in with another challenge. More fun than humans are supposed to have.
On another front I am neither busy nor an executive but in case you are here is a workout for you:

A circuit on 4:00 minutes of
Dead lift 5 x 2 @235/245/255/265/275
KB swings 5 x 30

Kind of sketchy programming pairing swings with dead lifts. But this is how baby learns.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

If Hatin' Work is Wrong I Don't Wanta Be Right

Does that make any sense at all. I have had to drive for the last four days and I am not happy. Some will say "You're such a wuss. I do that everyday all year round." and to them I say "you're a fuckin' idiot." I do not understand why anyone would subject themselves to that day after day for years. In addition to the health problems caused by excessive sitting there is the mind numbing tedium of being in an automobile.
Okay so this started out being about work and morphed into being about cars. I really don't mind work when it is at my house. So...I guess the car is the problem.

Blind as a post and dumb as a bat.
Once again poor eyesight makes me stronger.
Picked up the 80 instead of the 75.
3 rounds of
Goblet squats  5 @ 80
KB snatch  8L/8R

and that was it.
I was tired okay?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Rower Has Been Drinking Not Me

My default response to substandard performance on the rower is to blame the equipment. The rowers at 24 hr. fitness are trashed and so I felt completely justified in accusing the machine of not responding. The last few intervals of today's workout I got the thing down to where I wanted it but I had to  work really hard so, of course, it was the rower's fault. Wasn't it?

Row 10 x 500/1:30 RI
The last two intervals were play time:
on number 9 I did 10 hard strokes followed by 10 easy strokes
on number 10 I did a ladder of 5 hard/5 easy - 10 hard/5 easy - 15 hard/5 easy - 20 hard/5 easy

on the recovery heart rate chart I got a 3.9 which is the top end of good.
This is arrived at by taking your heart rate immediately at the end of the exertion and then again 1 minute later. You subtract the second number from the first and divide by 10 and this value puts you on the chart:
2 -2.9 Fair
3 - 3.9 Good
4 - 5.9 Excellent
6+ Outstanding

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Cold Has Come

It has been really hot here in SoCal for the last few weeks. Hot for me at least. Today it is overcast and cool and I like it. I would much prefer a new ice age to global warming if it was up to me.
Check out the Coming Events page and if you live in the L.A. area be sure to check this out.

Deadlift 3 x 3 @ 210/220/230
Circuit: 5 rounds/1:30 RI
KB Swings  20
KB Snatch   5
Suitcase Carry 40 yds @ 75 (20L/20R)

This workout felt really good and the DL's went up easy.
Perhaps I am getting stronger.

Monday, September 16, 2013


I was thinking this morning that we all have a wild side but for most of us it cowers in a corner like a whipped dog. Its time, I think, to let the wild out. Time to open up the doors and see what's out there. Time to get wild.

W/U +
includes various crawls, TGU practice and just general leaping and swinging.
Row 5,000 meters with rate changes every 1,000 meters 24/22/24/26/24
This is very difficult. The most I was able to do is keep consistent for 10 strokes.
My stroke rate splits were 23/22/22/23/20
Time 24:10.7/AP 2:25/ASR 22
This is something I will keep on working

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Chip Is Coming

Chip Conrad of Bodytribe in Sacramento is coming down to show us how to have real fun. The 2 day seminar will be held on November 16th and 17th, Saturday and Sunday. There will be more info on the Coming Events page of this here blog as it becomes available.

W/U + Turkish Getup practice
Front Squat 3/3/3 @ 90/95/100
Press 3/3/3 @ 70/75/80
Circuit: 5 rounds/1:30 RI
KB swing 20
Ab wheel 10
KB snatch 5R/5L

I have put some new pages on the blog and will be filling them in over the next few weeks so keep on reading.

Friday, September 13, 2013

High Grooviness

There has been a lot of good stuff showing up lately so here are some links. Dan John has a new article on T-Nation he's always worth a read. You can check it out here.
This piece by Charles Staley is well worth the time.
Rdella training has so many podcasts that you could conceivably spend weeks listening to them and they are all quality  interviews.
I just picked up a copy of The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing by Phillip Maffetone and it is promising to be a treasure trove of info.
That should keep you occupied for awhile.

Included some foam rolling in the warm up today and it felt good.
Started working Turkish Get Ups as well. I must keep those in.
Circuit: 5 rounds/1:30 RI
Goblet Squats 5 @ 70
Farmers walk 40 ft. @ 140
KB Swings 10 @ 20K
1 clean + 1 press (ea side) @ 20K
KB snatch 3L/3R @ 20K

I always feel good after workouts like these.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Off To The Races

I started rowing again on Sunday and it felt good. I now have over three hundred short, medium and long workouts that I get from Concept 2 so that should keep me busy for a while.
Front Squat 5/3/2 @ 75/85/95
Press 5/3/2 @ 55/65/75
Row 6 x 4:00 with 2:00 RI
Total meters 5,296/Average pace 2:15.9/Average Stroke Rate 23
I am working with the heart rate monitor and that keeps me in check.
Circuit: 3 rounds on 1:00
Pull ups 3
Hanging leg raise 5

Circuit: 5 rounds/1:30 RI
KB swings 10
Push ups 10/10/8/6/4
KB snatch 3L/3/R
Ab wheel 10
I started with the 20K bell today and it felt good.

The KB progression for the next four weeks will be:
Week 1 swings x 10/Snatch x 3 ea x 5
Week 2 swings x 20/Snatch x 5 ea x 5
Week 3 swings x 30/Snatch x 8 ea x 5
Week 4 swings x 40/Snatch x 10 ea x 5
At the end of week 4 I am going to do a 100 KB snatch test with the 16 and see if I can keep it under 5 minutes.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dream, Dream, Dream.

I had a dream last night that I was going to jail. There was no way around it. I had a little while to get my affairs in order and then off I went. When I got up this morning I still felt the dread and then I checked my e-mail. There was a note there from a guy that I was working on a book project with saying, "This isn't working and we should go our separate ways." The dread lifted immediately. I felt relief and deleted all the notes and chapters I had been working on. Free at last, free at last.
Circuit: 5 rounds/1:30 RI
KB swings 40
Inverted rows 5
Ab wheel 10

So yesterday I hit 5 rounds of 20 snatches with the 16K and today I hit 5 rounds of 40 swings with the 16K so that means I drop the numbers and start with the 20K. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I Am Here.

Not there or there but here. Now that we have that out of the way lets get on it with shall we. Not much of anything in the wide, wonderful interwebz lately. Nobody dissing CF. Nobody saying anything of  world shaking import. So....
I am on a week off from lifting. Doing KB circuits etc and playing in the park. I went to the playground the other day. The structure had a climbing wall, a cargo net, monkey bars, ringlike things and a twisting ladder. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they would build an adult size thing like that. Maybe I will have to suggest it and see if anyone bites.

W/U (original strength)
Circuit: 5 rounds/1:30 RI
KB  snatch  10R/10L (100 total. time to up the weight and drop the reps)
Push ups 10/8/6/4/2
Farmer walk 50ft @ 160 (happy with this. I tried body weight but didn't get very far)
... and then off to the park for another round of reset