Monday, July 22, 2013

Books. In Case Technology is Temporary

E-books, Kindle books, Downloadable books and every other iteration of electronic reading material has one fatal flaw; it depends, for its existence, on technology. Having all your reading material on these devices renders that material useless if the technology crashes.
Don't say you weren't warned.
I am considering adding a page on this blog which will have links to all my published works for your entertainment.
Been out and about lately and do not have the technology to post remotely.

Regular warmup plus the primal move warmup which I have added in for fun.
Press 2 x 5 @ 75
Dead lift 2 x 5 @ 225
Kettle Bell swings 2 x 45
Ab wheel 1 x 10
Pull ups 1/2/3/4 with :60 seconds rest
Row 3,500 meters

I shall now go to the blackboard and write "I will try to be a better blogger" 100 times.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Sword of Righteousness

To become a Registered Dietitian one must complete a 4 year degree in nutrition then a one year program as an intern and then complete 75 credit hours of continuing education every 5 years to maintain the licence. That's a lot of work and study. Enter the crossfit "coach" clutching his or her 1 or 2 day cert in one hand and the sword of righteousness in the other hacking through all the bullshit espoused by the mainstream community secure in the knowledge that this cert makes them an expert capable of dispensing the "latest" in cf approved nutritional advice. Do you see the problem with the cf model?
Science has no place in their arena. Education has no place in their arena and the one size fits all program is shoveled down the throats of the gullible and mis-informed.
End of today's rant.
...and here for your amusement is Rippetoe Goes Off  and as if that were not enough here is Rippetoe Throws Down.

A light day
Press 2 x 5 @ 75
Dead lift 2 x 5 @ 135 ( still rehabbing the back)
The above were done a a superset with 60 seconds rest between sets
KB swings 1 x 35
Ab wheel 1 x 8
Pull ups 5 x 2 with 60 seconds rest

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Tweaking My Girdle

I let the support structure go at the top of a dead lift and lowered the bar and tweaked my back and girdle. That will teach me to lose focus. Or maybe not.
Switched the structure a little today and put 2 pull ups between each set instead of doing them as a stand alone set and it worked out nicely.

W/U 3 rounds
2 pull ups
Press 2 x 5 @ 85
2 pull ups
Dead Lift 2 x 5 @ 235
2 pull ups
Kettle bell swings 1 x 35
2 pull ups
Ab wheel 1 x 8
2 pull ups

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I came across a formula for determining your recovery heart rate. Recovery heart rate is as good an indicator   of aerobic fitness as any.
This is how it goes:
Spend about 5 minutes getting your heart rate up.
Rest one minute
Check your HR again
Subtract the second number from the first and divide by 10
The result is your fitness level base on the following chart
2 - 2.9 Fair
3 - 3.9 Good
4 - 5.9 Excellent
6+ Outstanding

Exercise rate 130
After 1 minute 100
130 -100 = 30/10 = 3
so you are good
Give this a go next time you are on the track or stairmaster.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Here He is Again

I'm back. I think posting on Monday is a good idea that way I have time to absorb and process things that I have come across during the week and give you a report.
That said. I have nothing to report. Been a quiet week all around.
Monday's Workout
W/U 1 round of:
5 halos each way
5 goblet squats
5 windmills ea side
5 pump stretches
2 x 5 press @ 75
2 x 5 Dead lift @ 200
2 x 30 KB swings
1 x 7 Ab wheel
1 x 5 pull ups with 80 lbs assist
1 x 9 pull ups with 95 lbs assist
It is kind of embarrassing to have to use the gravitron but my pull up strength has declined precipitously and I have to work on getting it back. Gaining weight doesn't help.