Several weeks ago sacred fitness cows were falling like flies. This week, however, sanity has returned and the cows are being resuscitated.
This video took the CF world by storm. This morning, on the Starting Strength site I found this very long, very nerdy
The sad thing is that while everyone in the CF community will see the icing video very few of them will see the article from Starting Strength.
The happy thing is, if you have been wanting an ice bath now might be the time to check with your local CF gym to see if they have one for sale cheap. Now if only there were a way to convince them that bars, squat racks, rowers and kettlebells are bad for you I could finish outfitting my home gym.
Last week, Saturday, I only rowed, doing 3 x 10:00 with a 1:00 RI the avg pace was 2:15.9 and the avg SR was 23.
Row 5 minutes
Push ups 3 x 8
Front Squat 5 @ 45/5 @ 55/3+ @ 105 (got 5)
DB Press 3 x 5 @ 27.5
Slant sit ups 3 x 11
Pull ups 7/3/3
Row 7 x 1:00 on/2:00 off
Avg pace 1:43.8 way ahead of last week
Avg SR 29