Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Before There Was Science

Before there was science; bi-pedal, carbon based life forms were born, they lived and then they died. Now after years of scientific investigation bi-pedal, carbon based life forms are born, they live and they die. No real difference other than the length of time between being born and dying.
Don't get me wrong I have the utmost respect for science but I do believe that it has gone overboard. We have always known what to eat, when and how much to sleep, when to drink etc. etc. Now it appears as though no one will do anything unless science says its okay. I am just not willing to give science that much credit.
Science has become a battleground with opposing groups rushing to discover science  that disproves other science. When you combine that with science being pressed into the service of selling products you get a nasty mixture.
Vegetarians have science to prove that they are right. Meat eaters have science to prove they are right and the acolytes of either side cite their science ad infinitum ad nauseum to prove they are right.
So; eat what fuels your activity, sleep when you're tired and drink when you're thirsty and you'll be fine.
This was inspired by this article.

I went in the afternoon today and that was interesting.
Elliptical 5 minutes
Row 2400 meters  9:41.3/avg pace 2:01.1/SR 23
Pull ups 5/4/1
Good morning 3 x 10 @ 55

Elliptical 5 minutes
Squat 5 @ 90/5 @ 110/5 @ 130
Bench 1 x 20 @ 105
Pull ups 5/4/1
Slant situps 3 x 10
Farmer walk 3 x 40yds with 70 lb DBs
The above 3 were done as a circuit with a 3 minute RI

Monday, August 27, 2012

Fiddling About

Slept good last night and that, as previously stated, makes the workouts go good. I am going to be out of town and out of touch from Thursday through Wednesday of the following week. Most likely no posts unless I can get access to a computer.

Elliptical 5 minutes
Row sprints 10 x 220 meters with 1:30 RI
Avg pace 1:40.1
Avg SR 31
Pull ups 4/4/2
Floor wipers 3 x 10 @ 135
The above 2 were done as a circuit with 1:30 RI

Elliptical 5 minutes
Squat 5 @ 90/5 @ 110/5 @ 130
DB press 3 x 10 @ 22.5
The above 2 were done as a circuit with 1:30 RI
Dead lift 1 x 20 @ 190
Pull ups 5/4/1
Ab wheel 3 x 10
Farmer walks 3 x 40yds with 70 pound DBs
I did the above 3 as a circuit with 3 minutes rest

Friday, August 24, 2012

20 Times Anythig Sucks

Did 20 rep sets of squats and press today and they really hurt.

Elliptical 5 minutes
Squat 1 x 20 @ 100
Press 1 x 20 @ 45
Weighted pull ups 3 x 2 BW 3 x 1 @ 37.5 with hold at top
Back  ext. 3 x 10
Farmer walks aprroximately 40 yds with 70 lb DBs

Threw the farmer walks in today and I think I will try to get in a set of these 3 days a week.
Peace out.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

More Wisdom

Here is another article by Dan John who is always a good read. I have become rather fond of leaving the gym feeling energized rather than wiped out. To that end I blew off the squat part of today's workout. It's the ADD thing kicking in again.

Elliptical 5 minutes
I'm liking the elliptical a nice easy warm up
Bench 1 x 20 @ 100
Pull ups 4/4/2
Slant sit ups 3 x 10
DB row 3 x 10 @ 60
The above three were done as a circuit with 2:00 RI 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Showed up at the gym at about 5 AM this morning. I thought I would be in and out in about 45 minutes. Then came the chatter. People talking to me and a lot of them. I guess I should be happy that people want to talk to me but I'm not. I really wanted to get things done and get out but I ended up not leaving until 7:30.

Elliptical 5 minutes
Row 2,200 meters
10:37.2/  Avg pace 2:24.8/ Avg SR 22
longish easy row
Pull ups 4/4/2
Good morning 3 x 10 @ 55

The pull ups are starting to feel stronger so if I can keep this up I will have a set of 10 in about 6 weeks.

Monday, August 20, 2012

A New Approach

I have decided after doing Wendler for nearly 9 months that I am going to take 10 weeks off from that and do a 20 rep program. The way it works is that I will figure my 5 rep max then subtract 50 pounds from that number. Then each week I will add 5 pounds to the weights and theoretically at the end of 10 weeks my previous 5 rep max will now be a 20 rep max.

Row 500 meters w/u
Row 5 x 200 with 1:30 RI
39.9/39.8/39.9/39.3/39.1  avg pace 1:39/avg SR 33
Pull ups 4/3/3
Floor wipers 3 x 10 @ 135

Elliptical 5 minutes
Squat 5 @ 90/5 @ 110/5 @ 130
DB Press 3 x 10 @ 20
The above two were done as a circuit
Dead Lift 1 x 20 @ 185
Pull ups 4/4/2
Ab wheel 3 x 10
Pull ups and ab wheel were done as a circuit with 1:30 RI

See you tomorrow.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Hot, Tired and Humid

A major league P day today. I lacked any kind of motivation or spark. I would not be averse to a new ice age. It has been hot and humid, not nearly as bad as other parts of the country but the, to me is relative. I am not a heat person.
The elliptical is a great warm up. It is smooth, non jarring and gets everything moving.

Elliptical 5 minutes
Press 5 @ 50/5 @ 60/5 @ 70/5 @ 75/5 @ 85/2 @ 105
Weighted pull ups 2 x 2/1 @ 32.5/1 @ 35/1 @ 37.5

I blew off squats and back extensions today. Felt a little guilty but what the heck.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Get Off The Damn Thing

At the gym this morning both of the slant boards for sit ups were occupied. These people just sat on the boards and sat and sat and sat.  What up with that?

(Forgot my Book and I am lost without my book)
Elliptical 5 minutes
Front squat 5 @ 65/5 @ 75/5 @ 85
DB rows 3 x 10 @ 55
The above were done as a circuit
I do not yet have a baseline on front squats
Bench 5 @ 70/5 @ 80/5 @ 90/5 @ 130/5 @ 140/5 @ 150
Pull ups 4/3/3
Slant sit ups 3 x 10
I like front squats.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Out of Touch

Been gone for a week. After getting sick last Tuesday I decided to take a week off from gym stuff. I have been going pretty hard for about 8 months and it was time for a break. More sacred cows have been slaughtered this week. I linked to the hydration article last week and here is a link to an article on fish oil and here is another article about fish oil. Seems as though industry does not have our best interests at heart. Why does that not surprise me?

(Same as last Monday but I only got 6 on the dead lift instead of 8)

Row 500 meters w/u
Row 2,000 meters  time 8:17.9/avg pace 2:04.4/avg SR 24
did a new little circuit today
Pull ups 4/3/3
Good mornings 3 x 10 @ 45/55/65
3 x 5 box jumps to 24"
I liked it and it felt good. Took 1:30 RI

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Won't Get Fooled Again...

...or will we? I found an article this morning on hydration and how the sports drink industry manufactured science to convince us of the need for their products and a related article titled Mythbusting Sports and Exercise Products. Just like the feeling I got when I figured out that the CF thing was a joke on me these articles shattered my closely held beliefs about hydration. I have been preaching this stuff for years and now I find out that it was all a sham and I am shamed. Anyone who has not read these pieces will continue to toe the line on this subject and they will be disseminating bad information. Kind of pisses me off.

Row 2,000 meters 9:58.8/avg pace 2:29.7/avg SR 22
took this real easy today as I am feeling a little sick
Pull ups 4/3/3
Back ext 3 x 10

Stretch and out.

Monday, August 6, 2012

What If They Are Right?

The simple answer is that they are not right, they are wrong. The one size fits all crowd, in a lot of cases, does not posses the background or knowledge to do anything other than what they are told. This  article, parts 1 and 2 by Mike Robertson and Eric Cressey will fill you in on why everyone doesn't set up the same way.

Row 500 meters
Squat 5 @ 90/5 @ 110/5 @ 130
Dead lift 5 @ 130/5 @ 160/5 @ 190/5 @ 210/5 @ 240/5+ @ 270 (got 8)
Pull ups 4/3/3
Ab wheel 5 x 10
DB press 3 x 10 @ 17.5

Old People With Attitude site is perilously close to being finished.

Friday, August 3, 2012


stupid, stupid work. Precious hates work he does.

Yesterday and Today
Row 500 meters
Squat 5 @ 85.5 @ 105/5 @ 125
Bench 5 @ 70/5 @ 80/5 @ 100
DB rows 3 x 10 @ 55
Pull ups 3/3/3/1
Slant sit ups 5 x 10

Row 500 meters
Press 5 @ 45/5 @ 55/5 @ 65
Pull ups 3 x 2/1 @ 30/1 @ 32.5/1 @ 35
I am doing the weighted reps with a hold at the top for as long as I can usually 5-10 seconds
Reverse hyper
Blew off squats and 1 set of the RH because I felt like it.

See you tomorrow.