Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bloody Hell

Being sore for 3 days is not my idea of an effective workout protocol. 'Nuff said.

Row 500 meters
Squat 5 @ 45
Front squat 2 x 5 @ 45
Bench 5 @ 65/5 @ 80/5 @ 95/5 @ 120/3 @ 135/1+ @ 155 (got 6)
DB rows 3 x 15 @ 52.5
Back ext 3 x 10 with 10lbs
Reverse hyper 3 x 10

A couple of things; I am going to start doing Front squats on Wednesday and I don't think pairing back extensions with reverse hypers is a great idea.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back To Normal

I am still sore after the CF workout. My workouts leave me feeling strong and ready to go again. A video posted on the CF One World site.  made me laugh. It is how most serious trainers feel now and again but this guy is the first one I have ever seen say it. IT IS NOT WFS.

Row 500 meters
DROM (now includes swings, snatch, goblet squat and windmills)
Long row 3,250 meters 15:31.1
I took it easy on this.
Avg pace 2:23.2 Avg SR 23
Ab mat sit ups 3 x 15

Monday, May 28, 2012

One More Time

I went down to a local crossfit gym today. My intent was to find out if I a) still liked CF and b) was any good at it anymore. The answer to both is no. I like leaving the gym feeling good and strong and this workout left me feeling busted up. To be good at CF you need to do CF and I don't want to do it anymore. I like lifting and rowing and I feel good after lifting and rowing. Conclusion: I probably won't do anymore CF workouts.
Row 500 meters
Squat 5 @ 70/5 @ 95/5 @ 110
Deadlift 5 @ 115/5 @ 145/5 @ 175/5 @ 220/3 @ 250/1+ @ 275 (got 6)
DB Bench 3 x 15 @ 37.5
Reverse Hyper 3 x 10
I finally found a lifting partner and that means I can push the squats and bench more and not worry about dumping the bar or crushing myself

The crossfit workout was Murph (partner version) and I rowed instead of ran. It was just plain unpleasant. Can I do it? Yes. Do I choose to do it? No.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Now Where Was I

Quien Sabe? That may be how you say who knows in Spanish. I have added in 10 one arm swings, 10 DB snatches, 10 goblet squats and 5 ea windmills to my warm up. It seems to be helping with flexibility. I did forget to do the reverse hypers today.

Row 500 meters
Squats 5 @ 70/5 @ 95/5 @ 110
Bench 5 @ 65/5 @ 80/5 @ 95/3 2 115/3 @ 130/3+ @ 145 (got 10)
DB rows 3 x 15 @ 50
Hanging straight leg raises 3 x 5 (hard)
Reverse hyper 3 x 10

Row 500 meters DROM
Squats 5 @ 70/5 @ 90/5 @ 110/3 @ 130/3 @ 150/3 @ 165 (didn't go with 3+ on this)
Press 5 @ 45/5 @ 50/5 @ 60/3 @ 70/3 @ 80/3+ @ 90 (got 10)
Pull ups neutral 1 x 6/chin 2 x 5
Floor wipers 2 x 10/1 x 5 (cut the last set short because my wrist was hurting)
Row 2 x 500 with 1:30RI
And thus ends this post

Monday, May 21, 2012

I Owe You.

I owe you a couple of days of workouts. Both Friday and Saturday were a wash. No sense in rehashing a couple of bad days.
The Old People With Attitude website will, hopefully, be up this week and I will post a link when it is ready.

Row 500 meters
Squat 5 @ 70/5 @ 95/5 @ 110
Dead lift 5 @ 115/5 @ 145/5 @ 175/3 @ 200/3 @ 230/3+ @ 260 (got 10)Predicted 1 Rep - 347
DB bench 20/17/15 @ 35
Had planned on 3 x 20 but after the first set I knew that wasn't going to fly.
Ab wheel 3 x 8
Reverse hyper 3 x 10
I am going to add reverse hypers in 3 days a week because it makes my back feel good.
Row Sprints 5 @ 225/:60 RI
1:46.2/1:47.7/1:46.8/1:44.4/1:43.5 Avg Pace - 1:45.8 Avg SR 30
This was a long day. With stretching and chatting nearly 2 hrs and even at that I still get the sense that I am not doing enough. That is going to have to be dug out and put to rest.
I may be dark for a few days as I am taking the computer in for some much needed maintenance.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Random Pain for no Apparent Reason

Legs giving me problems lately. More stuff that just shows up. If the pattern is consistent than it will go away in a few days.

Row 500 meters
Squat 3 x 5 @ 45 Backed off on these because of aforementioned leg problems.
Bench 5 @ 65/5 @ 80/5 @ 95/5 @ 105/5 @ 120/5+ @ 135 (got 11)
DB rows 3 x 10ea @ 50
Back ext 3 x 10 with 10lbs

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Water is Wet

Another clever observation from my, oh so, fertile mind. Today was a light day. I got back in the pool and realized it had been a little too long.

Row 500 meters
Push ups 3 x 15

Ab mat situps 3 x 15

Swim 6 x 50 meters/:60 RI
Kept all of these at about :40
Tried for a length underwater but didn't quite make it. I'll keep working on that.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Weird Pains Inside the Goldmine

Had a strange, stinging pain in my right side during the row sprints. This is something that shows up now and again but doesn't seem to cause any problems.

Row 500 meters
Squat 5 @ 70/5 @ 95/5 @ 110
Dead lift 5 @ 115/5 @ 145/5 @ 175/5 @ 220/5+ @ 250 (got 10)
Predicted 1 Rep Max 333
DB bench 3 x 15 @ 35
Ab wheel 3 x 7
Row Sprints 10 x :35on/:60 off
Total meters 1832/Avg. Pace 1:47/Avg SR 32

A good workout despite waking up at 2 AM and not being able to go back to sleep.

Friday, May 11, 2012

No Sleep Equals Bad Workout

...and that is no mystery.

Row 500 meters
Squat 5 @ 70/5 @ 90/5 @ 105
Press 5 @ 45/5 @ 45/5 @ 55
Pull ups 3 x 5
Reverse hyper 3 x 5
Bike sprints 6 x :30on/:60 off
Fell apart on these. I had planned to do 10 but only made it to 6. A "P" day if there ever was one.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Running Hurts

Is that a surprise to anyone. Did hill repeats today and it hurt. Are there people who are just not designed to run?

Row 500 meters
Added a new mobility exercise to the warm up today and I am no good at it and I like it.
Squat 5 @ 70/5 @ 90/5 @ 105
Bench press 5 @ 65/5 @ 80/5 @ 95
DB rows 3 x 10 @ 30/35/40 (first day on these. Just experimenting with the weight)
Floor wipers 3 x 10 @ 100
Hill repeats 10 x :30on/:30 off (10 degrees/5 mph)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Moving Right Along.

Another discovery today although it was something I already discovered but I'm a bit thick that way. Discoveries have to be made several times before they take.
Today's discovery: back extensions are not a good idea on the day after deadlifts.

Row 500 meters
Row Sprints 10 x :30 on/:60 off
Average pace 1:43.4
Average SR 34
Back ext 3 x 10

Monday, May 7, 2012

If I should Return.

I saw a saying on a t-shirt once that read, "I have gone to find myself. If I should return before I get back please keep me here." Last week vanished before I had a chance to sit down and write and here it is this week which would have been next week if this was last week. Enough of that. A few discoveries: Deadlifts and row sprints are not a good combination.. It is a deload week and I always feel as though I am not doing enough during these weeks but I know why I am doing it. So shut up and do it.

Row 500 meters
Squat 5 @ 70/5 @ 90/5 @ 105
Dead lift 5 @ 115/5 @ 140/5 @ 170
DB Bench press 3 x 10 @ 35
Ab wheel 3 x 5

I am starting a new type of Wendler program that will, hopefully, help my squatting. We'll see.