Friday, April 27, 2012

There He Is.

I like to eliminate subjectivity whenever possible. To that end I am going to use the one rep max calculator to figure out how many reps I have to do on the last plus sets in order to show improvement over the previous week. As an example; last week the predicted one rep on the bench was 180 so on the 3+ set this week I had to do do 10 reps in order to get that number up. I got 10 which make the predicted 1 rep 187. So it worked out.
Ride bike to gym w/u
Dead lift 5 @ 115/5 @ 140/5 @ 170/3 @ 195/3 @ 225/3+ @ 250 (got 8)
8 was not enough as that only gave me a P1RM of 310 which was lower than last week
Push ups 3 x 20
Floor wipers 10/8/8 @ 100
Bike Sprints 7 x :30on/:60off
cd 3 minutes

Ride to the gym w/u
Bench 5 @ 65/5 @ 80/5 @ 95/3 @ 110/3 @ 125/3+ @ 140 (got 10) P1RM 187
My squat numbers are finally lower than my bench numbers.
Pull ups 3 x max 4/4/4 (weak sauce)
Reverse hyper 3 x 5
Tabata Row 757 meters/1:45.6 avg. pace/35 avg. Sr
First 4 were a little slow.
I am a little tired this week stress and not sleeping well are taking their toll.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Play Day

Wednesday is kind of a day off/play day for me. Worked on Turkish Get-ups   and Windmills today and I am going to add that in as a regular thing.

Ride bike to gym (w/u)
Weighted dips 3/3/3/1 @ 10/1 @ 15/1 @ 20
I am stronger on dips than I am on pull ups.
Ab wheel 3 x 5
Turkish get up practice with 10 lbs.
Windmill practice with 5 lbs

...and then some stretching and chatting.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In Most Everyone.

This is just a mindless rant. I insist on torturing myself by reading CF blogs on affiliate sites and it continues to amaze me how illiterate some of these people are. A quote by someone, can't remember the name, says "Everyone has a novel in them and in most everyone that is where it should stay." I will update that to include blog posts. For god's sake at least reread the thing once and do a spell check. That is all I have to say on the matter although there will probably be examples coming. And god is not capitalized on purpose.

Ride Bike to gym for W/U
Press 5 @ 45/5 @ 45/5 @ 55/3 @ 65/3 @ 75/3+ @ 85 (got 9) Predicted 1 rep max, from now on referred to as p1rm 109
Weighted pull ups 3/3/3/1 @ 20/1 @ 25/1 @ 30
Back ext 3 x 10 with 20lbs

Hill Sprints (sort of sprints is more like it)
7 x :30 on/:30 off
10 degrees @ 5 mph
Cool down was let my heart rate get to about 100 took about 3 minutes.

Once I get a proper heart rate monitor I will be able to more closely track recovery time.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Week That Wasn't

I am going to pretend like last week didn't happen. Ya with me? I have started working with a one rep max calculator to see if my numbers are going up. (they are) I punch in the reps and weight from the last set on the weights and then it predicts a 1 rep based on that. It gives me an idea of where I am at without having to pull a max. After another 3 or 4 rounds I will check and see how accurate it is.
Row 500 meters
Squat 5 @ 70/5 @ 90/5 @ 105/3 @ 125/3 @ 140/3+ @ 160 (got 7) Predicted 1 rep is 192
Push ups 3 x 20
Ab wheel 3 x 5
Row Sprints
7 x :30 on/:60 off
CD 250 meters

And so I am back.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

But Why is The Post Gone.

I had something nifty all typed up for yesterday and then I hit the wrong button and it disappeared, never to be seen again.
Here is yet another good, well reasoned article on why crossfit is bad.

Row 500 meters
Squat 5 @ 70/5 @ 90/5 @ 105/5 @ 115/5 @ 130/5+ @ 150 (got 7)
These are getting harder.
Push ups 3 x 20
Ab wheel 3 x 5

w/u 5 minutes easy jog
5 x :30 on/:30 off @ 5 mph and 10 degree incline
easy jog cool down

Row 500 meters
Press 5 @ 45/5 @ 45/5 @ 55/5 @ 60/5 @ 70/ 5+ @ 80 (got 10)
Pull up speed day 10 x 3 on :30 seconds on the gravitron with 110lbs assistance
Back ext 3 x 10 with 15lbs
Row sprints
500 meter w/u
5 x :30 on/:30 off
500 meter c/d
695 total meters avg. pace 1:47:9 avg SR 32
I missed the start on number 3.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

All Quiet on The Western Front.

Poured rain yesterday and today is beautiful. The poppies are blooming.

Row 500 meters
Box squats 5 @ 45/3 @ 95/3 @ 115/1 @ 135/1 @ 185 and out.
Push ups 3 x 10
Ab wheel 3 x 5
Jump rope 2 x 100 with 1 minute RI

And that is the end of the back off week.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Who's a Bad Blogger.

That's me. I'm a bad blogger. I had to work and drive in traffic and I was a miserable wretch and just didn't fell like posting.
Started doing parallel, wide stance box squats today as part of active flexibility training and I liked it.
Here's the week.
Run 2 3/4 miles 33:38
Felt horrible the whole time and my hamstrings and glutes were painin' me.

Row 5 minutes
Squat 5 @ 65/5 @ 85/5 @ 100
Push ups 3 x 16
Ab wheel 3 x 5
Row sprints 30 seconds on/30 seconds off x 5
Avg pace 1:39.2 Avg SR 32 Total meters 756

Row 5 minutes
Press 5 @ 45/5 @ 45/5 @ 55
Pull ups 2 x 10 on the gravitron with 110 lbs of assist. Did these just to start getting a feel for 10 pull ups.
Back ext 3 x 10 with 15lbs

I took Wednesday and Thursday off because I was feeling sick.

Row 500 meters
Dead lift 5 @ 110/5 @ 135/5 @ 165
Bench 5 @ 60/5 @ 75/5 @ 90
1 minute plank
1 minute push up test only got 26 I would like that to be at least my age
Wide stance box squats 3 x 5 @ 45 just for the stretch
Horizontal rows 3 x 5
I did these with my feet on a bench and a barbell in the squat rack.

Friday, April 6, 2012

What About Cardio?

A good article on cardio from t-nation here.

Row 5 minutes
Bench 5 @ 60/5 @ 75/5 @ 90/5 @ 115/3 @ 130/1+ @ 145 (got 6)
Reintroduced weighted pull ups to the program
Pull ups 2 x 3 with 10lbs/2 x 2 with 15lbs/2 x 1 with 20lbs
Back ext 3 x 10 with 15lbs

Bike 20 minutes

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cherry Cheese Danish and Hot Sauce.

I have decided that any dietary regimen that forbids hot sauce or the odd cherry cheese danish is to be dismissed as fanatical. That's all I have to say on that.

Row 5 minutes
Dead lift 5 @ 110/5 @ 135/5 @ 165/5 @ 205/3 @ 230/1+ @ 260 (got 6)
Push ups 3 x 17
Ab wheel 3 x 5

Row sprints :30 seconds on, :30 seconds off x 7
avg pace 1:44.1
avg SR 30
Total meters 1008

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's All This I Hear About Conditioning?

Along with the word "functional", conditioning is a word that's thrown around a lot.
An anecdote:
Some Americans went to an Eastern European country to find out why this country consistently produced some of the strongest people in the world. When they arrived they found a group sitting around, eating drinking some even smoking every once in a while one of them would get up and lift a huge amount of weight. The Americans were appalled. "This is crazy" they said "You're not observing a healthy lifestyle." The entire room erupted in laughter. The coach said "We're not trying to be healthy, we're trying to be strong."
That may or may not be a true story but the point is these athletes were as conditioned as they needed to be for their sport.
What we all need to do is pick a level of conditioning for our sport and do as much as is needed to support that activity. Any more and you're wasting time any less and you're not going to realize your potential.
This has been one minute in focus.

Row 5 minutes
Press 5 @ 45/5 @ 45/5 @55/5 @ 70/3 @ 80/1+ @ 90 (got 6)
Pull ups 3 x 6 neutral grip/3 x 6 Overhand grip/3 x 6 Commando style
fast forward to 1:40 on the video to see the pull ups
Back ext 3 x 10 with 12.5 lbs
Tabata row 90/89/93/91/93/94/93/94 (735 meters)

...and off I go.

Monday, April 2, 2012

12 and 57

On Friday I set the bar on the squat rack at about knee level, took a run at it grabbed the overhead support and swung through the rack and out the other side. On the third trip my fingers slipped a little, on the fourth trip my fingers slipped a little more and I landed on the lower rear part of the rack and almost fell. The difference between me at 12 and me at 57 is at 12 I would have gone ahead and done another one and probably cracked my fool head open. I'm much smarter now so I didn't do another one. I'm glad I'm getting smarter.

Row 5K 21:59 It was too cold for me to go to the track
Pull ups 3 x 5 negatives with a towel (that hurt)
Threw a towel over the bar and grabbed on to both ends
Ab wheel 3 x 5

Row 5 minutes
Squats 5 @ 65/5 @ 85/5 @ 100/5 @ 125/3 @ 140/1+ @ 160 (got 4)
Push ups 3 x 17
Swings 3 x 20 @ 35

Hills w/u 400 meters/5 x :30 with :30 RI 10 degrees @ 5mph/c/d 400 meters
I liked these and they didn't hurt too much but it is not tomorrow yet, unless this is yesterday but I don't think it is. I need more coffee.